It is hard not to be hard on myself for how I look. Things are not tight or toned. There is muscle, but it is hidden but sometimes it makes a brief appearance. Since weaning the triplets my body has changed even more. I've gained more weight and things have loosened even more. But earlier today I shared a photo with other moms of my post baby body. Six kids in 4.5 years would change ANY woman's body. And so I have to tell myself that what I accomplished since I first got pregnant is an amazing thing. What my body has done is no small feat. It has also taken a beating.
February 2009: Pregnant with Evelyn. I gained between 35-40#. I had a 34 hour labor that ended in a cesarean that at the time was not medically necessary. Within a week of bringing her home I developed mastitis. So to remedy that I pumped and nursed simultaneously for over 6 months and nursed for 2 years. We had to buy a full size freezer to store all the milk I made. Already, my body was working overtime.
July 2010: only 8 months post partum with Evelyn and I got pregnant with Lucy. I gained between 35-40# again. I nursed her throughout the pregnancy. With Lucy I had a 22 hour unmedicated VBAC. I tandem nursed the two girls until Lucy was 6 months and Evelyn was two. After Lucy I was bigger than I had ever been. I was depressed. From March (when Lucy was born) until about November I managed to lose about 75#. The number on the scale wasn't my dream weight but I felt fabulous and so I was OK. I nursed Lucy until she was about 13 months.
July 2011: I discovered I was pregnant with Josie. This time I started my pregnancy nearly 20# less than the others and I was eating much better. I still managed to gain the same 35-40#. She was born at 39w at home with my midwife. I started exercising about 3m post partum and felt really good.
September 2013: Josie was only 6 months old and I discovered I was pregnant with #4. In October I discovered #4 was actually the triplets. I continued to nurse Josie until 3 weeks shy of her first birthday/18 weeks pregnant with the triplets. My body ached and hurt through most of the pregnancy. But other than aches I had an uneventful pregnancy. I gained 60# and after the babies were born I put on another 5-7# due to water retention and BP issues. I carried the babies to 34w2 when I went into spontaneous labor. I had another cesarean. Twelve hours after the babies were born I began pumping like my life depended on it. those first few days I would pump 30 minutes at a time while only producing less than 1 ounce. yet I pumped on. I pumped for 6 months. I nursed exclusively for 6 months. I weaned the babies completely 2 weeks after they turned 1. I managed to lose all my baby weight about 6 weeks before they turned one. And then as I began to wean the weight started to come back. I am now about 1.5 weeks out from not nursing anyone. My chest has changed dramatically. My stomach seems to have expanded. I went to the store to buy bigger clothes, a size that only a few months back I purged and donated to a local charity. A girlfriend said it's better to be in clothes you don't spill out of. So I followed her advice. I feel good in them. I just try not to pay attention to the size.
Anyway, so today I posted a photo of my post partum body and in the comment wrote: "6 babies in 4.5 years and I just weaned my triplets who are almost 13 months." Lately I have been feeling pretty down about myself. It's my own insecurities and no amount of encouraging words from my husband, friends or strangers will change that. That's ok. But today as I posted that picture I had a strong sense of pride in my body. My body grew 6 babies and 3 of them at the same time! My body produced nourishment for 6 babies for more than a year for each of them. My body, my extra layers of skin and fat, my stretch marks, my scars, my stretched out chest, they all tell a story. They tell a story of betrayal, trust, worry, fear, pain, joy, nourishment, life, and of blessings.