Having kids, particularly as close together as mine are, is exhausting! BUT, they have so much fun together (when Evie isn't trying to ride Lucy or bit her back (as of recently) and they make me laugh. As soon as Evie wakes she asks for "Lulu." It's sweet.
This morning, while Lucy was napping, Evie and I got into the pain together. i have to admit, I didn't let her have full reign. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the clean up. But she seemed just fine having one container open at a time. In fact, it didn't take long for her to not open o
ne before closing the other. It drove me a little crazy how she dipped a large part of the paintbrush in the paint. Would some say I was too controlling of her artistic experience? Probably. But I keep telling myself I am the perfect mother for my children, and they are the perfect children for me. Evie had fun and that's what matters. Later in the day I put corny valentine phrases on her pictures and I addressed envelopes for all her cousins and grandparents, and of course her daddy. I gave it to her and told her to
give it to daddy, she lit up. When Taylor walked in she said, "here daddy. evie's hands." We put it on the wall and put another on the fridge. She was thrilled and kept walking over to the fridge saying "evie's hands. evie did it." So really, does it matter how "controlling" I was? I think not.
The other thing I have to report that Evie did was that she got a hold of small paper plates the other evening and set the table. I think she was talking to someone imaginary, just like I do when I do housework. She then proceeded to scoop rice off her own plate onto the other plates on the table. Then she came to me and asked for my rice. I knew she had stopped eating so I said no, but I had not realized what she had done with her rice until much later in the evening when I was cleaning up from the day. All I could do was laugh. My little hostess.
Last night I did my first project that I found on pintrest: reusable swiffer cloth. I showed it to Melissa. She says it's too complicated and I should simplify it in case I want to sell it. Is it wrong that just about every craft I choose to do is determined by whether or not I think I can sell it? Anyway, here's a picture of the s
wiffer cloth. Don't judge me. I was not going for pretty points, just trying to get the thing made. And after 1 or 2 uses it's going to nasty anyway, so does it really matter?
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