My PPD often shows itself in a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde kind of way. It's not something I am terribly proud of but it isn't something I can completely control. The diet we are on helps. Getting sleep helps. Getting a break and time for myself helps. Having all of those things occur within a day is ideal, But not realistic. I had a few days, in their entirety, where I was able to stay even keeled, even on days that Taylor was working. I was so proud. I think the girls could sense it to.
These pretty significant developments have prompted me to do a few things that make me happy and have the energy to actually follow thorough with those things!! Earlier in the week I made the girls dresses. Tonight I made about a dozen bows. On a side note, I was never a bow person. Then 3 girls turned into 6. I can't justify spending the money buying them but I would and could totally make them. Once I got started I couldn't stop. Knowing that the girls are excited about them only adds to my desire to keep making more.
When I am exhausted and overwhelmed Taylor often bares the brunt of it. He works long and crazy hours then he comes home or wakes up from a night of work and jumps right in. He has been teaching the girls how to play frisbee. He helps around the house. He puts the big girls to bed almost every night he is home. He is not without his faults but I cannot imagine another man capable and willing to do this with me!
Today at MOPS we made these little notebooks to write down things about our spouse that we love, appreciate, etcetera. I don't really communicate as much as I should with him along the lines of appreciation, affirmations, etc. I don't always follow through with the crafts. This one I did. During lunch and dinner I decided to include the girls. We thought of different things we love about daddy, things he does with us, and so on. Taylor asked "is Father's Day coming soon?" Maybe that's telling about how little I say to him to show my appreciation, ha!
Tonight, once the girls were in bed we had an impromptu date. He made mango margaritas from scratch and we played Rummikub. We played games all the time before kids. We even played Clue and Apples to Apples just the two of us! The drinks aren't on our diet and neither was the sushi we got for dinner from China Wok. Who cares!
I started writing all of this to say that today I have felt more like ME than I have in a long time. Sleeping babies are amazing! The time I took to make the bows today, even pinning tutorials on Pinterest filled me up a bit. Drinking the margaritas (thought not necessary) and playing the game with Taylor also helped me feel a bit more whole.
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