Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weight Watcher Meal Planning Part 1, on a budget

I am trying to be get back on track when it comes to shopping with a budget, meal planning, and weight watchers. I've found some great meal planning tools on pintrest, some are very involved. and If I want to stay on the WWs train then I need to pick my recipes, rather than just follow what these girls came up with. Also, my budget is different from theirs.

So I have created a word document and I am making recipe cards. I am going through my WWs cook book and copying the recipes and making changes to the recipes based on our budget, what we typically eat, and changes I usually like to make to the meals. Many of the recipes I go from memory. So I could potentially just put the name of the recipe, but I thought I would include all the information so it could be helpful to others and to help me stay the course with WWs!

This is so time consuming. I've been doing it for over an hour and I only have 10 recipes. My hope is to do all of the recipes that we typically eat. And then I will most likely organize them by category, and then I will create my menu board. Doing all of this should help reduce or at least help control our food budget. One of the keys to not over spending on food is to go to the store a minimal amount of times.

Something else I need to work on with meal planning is thinking beyond just a main dish. Typically the side is an afterthought, if I even have one. It needs to be simple. It would be nice if it's something other than a salad. I do typically have a variety of veggies on hand (broccoli, asparagus, etc) and it's usually easy to roast or steam.

It's after 11pm and I should be in bed. There is still much work to be done on the meal planning. I mean business about this, so I should be back tomorrow to give an update of what I've accomplished! You know what would be great...if I could also include the price of everything. That's a little ambitious. I think for now I should stick to making my recipe cards and then my menu board. The creation of the menu board should be fun as it will entail creativity.

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