Sunday, March 11, 2012

McDonalds and God

right now I'm feeling a bit lowsy as a mother. Two days ago I prepared a meal early enough in the day so we could enjoy it for dinner. There was plenty, so it would last us at least through Saturday. I have also been money conscious, one way by not eating out whenever. So then what have I don't to make me feel lowsy? Two days in a row of McDonalds. Ugh! It's not a proud moment. I'm not really even sure why I did it, especially with food waiting at home. So this morning I felt like I needed to get up with my alarm set of my phone, not by my usual alarm-my kids. I needed to spend time alone in the morning to regroup, to have some quiet and alone time to sit in God's presence. Man, how easy it is to get wrapped up in other things. I read through two devotions. With each one i had this feeling of "I need to finish so I can get on with my day." Doesn't it seem that rushing through my quiet time perhaps somewhat defeats the purpose of it all? I know that's not true, but what am I worried I will miss out on? Why is it so difficult to just "be?"I felt like I needed that time to get things back on course. I guess the key thing here is to just give it up to God. Or let go and let God, as the saying goes. Unless I do, it's gonna keep festering. Eating fast food two days in a row is not a healthy decision. I know this. God has to take care of it. Cutting short quiet time with God wasn't ideal. But as I said, I just need to let these things go. It won't do me any good to let them sit and fester. God is understanding, loving, and kind. Unlike us, God will take what he can get. I suppose I just need to pray for more 1 minute times with him and wisdom and strength to nourish my family the best way I can.


  1. Woman, you are a child of the King and you are doing a wonderful job mothering your kiddos! Sometimes I feel like healthy eating, perfectly organizing our lives, perfectly studying the word, etc can overwelm our lives and we forget to just live and listen.


  2. God loves you very much and is smiling at your mothering your girls. It's a difficult time now to be a woman, mother, and juggling life. God wants to be at your side all day; so you might try the moments along the day---sending a one-liner type of prayer. Thank you for this moment with my girls, Lord, I love you, Lord, help me today. But also young moms need a little me time -- so keep up the quiet time. You are doing a great and so important job right now! Linda

  3. I understand. And I think you are right, and lovely and loved and doing an amazing job at everything you have on your plate to nurture and protect. Big hug, sweets.
